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Richard welcomes a leading alternative news journalist to discuss the numerous questions, rumours and speculations swirling around the supposed killing of Osama Bin Laden last Sunday. Why was his body buried at sea? How was he able to live undetected under the nose of the Pakistani intelligence service for so long? Who performed the supposed DNA test on Bin Laden’s body and how were they able to confirm his identiity in less than 24 hours? Will the public ever get to see that DNA report? What are we to make of numerous reports published in the mainstream media that Bin Laden died as early as December 2001.

The French newspaper, L’est Repulblicain published a report based on information they received from French Intelligence and the Saudi Secret Police that Bin Laden died of typhoid fever in 2006. In a 2007 interview with David Frost, the late Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto reported that Bin Laden had been murdered. Is it possible Bin Laden has been kept alive for years in order to feed the profits of the U.S. military/industrial/security complex?

Why does the media, and the U.S. Administration continue to link Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks when the FBI admitted they never had sufficient evidence to indict Bin Laden for that crime? Meanwhile, policy makers and pundits are already building a case that Pakistan was complilcit in sheltering Bin Laden. Is it possible the end game is to expand the war to Pakistan? With no body and as yet, no photographic evidence, we are left to rely on the U.S. Administration’s say so. And finally, why is the New York Times labelling anyone who dares to question the U.S. version of events as conspiracy theorists?

GUEST: Joel Skousen, editor and publisher of The World Affairs Brief


Richard speaks with a physician and researcher about the short term and long term health risks from the radioactive Fall-Out emanating from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. He’ll explain What the sequence to these threats will be over the next 5 years. He’ll also discuss what he calls the ongoing misinformation campaign, and he’ll tell us what our government’s are not sharing with the public. And finally, what you & your family can easily and effectively do to potentially overcome these risks.

GUEST: Dr. John Apsley is a physician and researcher who for the past 30 years has specialized in the rehabilitation and reversal of chronic degenerative illnesses through accelerated tissue repair and cellular regeneration.

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